Experienced Legionella Risk Assessors 

Naturally found in fresh water, Legionella can transfer to your water tanks and can cause Legionnaires' disease.  
A Legionella risk assessment is now a legal requirement for all landlords and home owners in the UK. At EPC Bright, our fully trained and experienced assessors can undertake risk assessments of your hot and cold water systems. Our risk assessment service has been developed in compliance with the UK Health and Safety Executive ACOP L8 and the Health and Safety Commission. During assessments, our team will assess the usage and temperature of your water systems. We will inspect all water storage tanks, heating systems, showers, and taps. We will identify and evaluate the potential sources of risk. Our assessors will outline the current condition of your water systems. We will carry out remedial action when necessary. We will also recommend a monitoring regime. 


Do I Need A Legionella Risk Assessment? 
If you are a landlord renting out a residential property then the answer is YES – you do need a Legionella Risk Assessment in place. From HSE.gov.uk: 
“Landlords, under Section 53 of HSWA are regarded as being self-employed and tenants fall into the class of “other persons (not being his employees)”. If you rent out a property, you have legal responsibilities to ensure you conduct your undertaking in such a way that your tenant(s) are not exposed to health and safety risks.” 

The law and you and the grey area! 

Statements from HSE. 
1. The law is clear that if you are a landlord and rent out your property (or even a room within your own home) then you have legal responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of your tenant by keeping the property safe and free from health hazards. 
2. Landlords are not necessarily required to record the findings of the assessment (this is only a statutory duty for employers where there are five or more employees), but they may find it prudent to keep a record of what has been done for their own purposes. 
3. However, if a tenant were to contract Legionnaires’ disease from the water system in their home, the landlord may be liable to prosecution under HSWA, and would have to demonstrate to a court that they had fulfilled their legal duty, 

So, how would you prove you did the assessment if you have no records? 

What the assessment involves. 
Checking the water is running at the correct temperatures at all hot and cold outlets 
Checking all mixer showers are free running, clean and running at the correct temperature 
Checking for ‘dead legs’ in the water system 
Checking water storage tanks for fitted lids, insulation, debris etc. 
Checking water tank inlets and outlets 
This is not an exhaustive list but gives some indication of the checks required. By using an assessor you will be provided with a full record of the Legionella Risk Assessment, dated and timed for your protection. 
LRA Register is used by : 
Housing Associations 
Letting Agents 